Masterclass Sheepdog Training Videos Logo

Welcome to Masterclass Working Sheepdog Training with Tully Williams.

Here you’ll find an ever-increasing library of video training episodes, taking you step-by-step through Tully Williams’ methods for training the high-quality working sheepdog, along with principles of training, and other related topics.

They are a great companion to his highly-acclaimed book, Working Sheepdogs – A Practical Guide to Breeding, Training and Handling.

Working Sheep Dogs by Tully Williams cover image

These methods have been refined over years of experience training hundreds and hundreds of sheepdogs, into a method that gets exceptional results with minimal time and effort.

All training methods are NOT equal! Better methods get better results, and get them faster and easier.

So browse through the collection, and rent or purchase the video episodes to watch in your own home at your leisure.

Click here now to go to the Masterclass Video Library!
