Masterclass Sheepdog Training Video Library
– Driving
Note: Some videos may appear in multiple categories
The “Crossing Behind” directions
One exercise that simultaneously does 4 things
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Overview: In this video episode, I demonstrate and explain the 4th exercise in my system of directional command mastery – the “Crossing Behind” training exercise.
Done properly, and used in conjunction with a well-designed, comprehensive commanding system, this one exercise achieves 4 things:
1. It continues to increase the dog’s understanding of the directional (or flanking) commands, by progressing on from the “offset stationary directions” exercise.
2. It introduces the next “positioning” command – “behind”.
3. It introduces the dog to “driving” in a very basic form.
4. It is the stepping stone to the pivotal “reverse counter-balance” directional (flanking) exercise.The “Crossing behind” directions exercise follows on from the previous “Stationary directions” exercise. In particular, it is a progression from the “offset” stationary directions exercise.
Running time: 16 minutes
Driving with the handler
The first stages of “driving” and off-balance work
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Overview: This video deals with how to train our dog to drive sheep with us. That is, for the dog to work on the same side of the sheep as us, to help us move sheep. Probably more than 90% of stock work involves this type of work, and it is also an important building block for sheepdog trial obstacle work, and really for any off-balance work.
This builds on the “crossing behind” directions episode, and is the first step prior to later teaching our dog to drive sheep away from, and across, us.
Running time: 18 minutes